Jaroslav Bresky is one of the most sought-after solo performers singing the songs of the legendary band Queen in Europe, mainly due to the identical movements, gestures and similar voice color of the legendary singer. In 2009, after more than a hundred performances, he meets the person who was closest to Freddie Mercury, his longtime personal assistant, Mr. Peter Freestone. The latter gave him an insight into the rock king's way of performing. This gives the Freddie Mercury Revival project a new dimension.
After 7 years of concerts, Jaroslav has many performances and in 2010 he was invited by the management of the Swiss music company of the city of Montreux - "Montreux Music" to one of the biggest events for Mercury fans in the world (official birthday party). In February 2015, he met the remaining members of Queen in person. He sang at an international event organized by Queen's management - The Official Birthday Celebration of Freddie Mercury's 70th Birthday in Montreux, Switzerland. This performance also caught the attention of Queen guitarist Brian May, who posted it on his official Facebook page. In 2016 and 2017, he sang in the sold-out Prague Lucerna in honor of Freddie Mercury as part of the tour called "ČESKÉ HVĚZDY ZPÍVAJÍ QUEEN" alongside the leading singers of the Czech show business.
He performed in Germany, Poland, Holland, Austria, Slovakia and Switzerland. You could see him on TV in the V.I.P news of TV Prima, TV Nova Snídaně s Nova, TV Relax Posledni Zhasne, Topstar Magazín and Czech Television made a documentary about him for the show Gejzír.
Koncerty na festivalech, firemních večírcích, městských slavnostech a plesích s Prague Queen.
Solové vystoupení na slovensku a česku na plesích,diskotékách a firemních akcích.
Firemní večírek
